Explore the journey

How it all got started:

I started my journey into the digital world at 19 with nothing but my iPhone 8, sharing pieces of my life on YouTube. What began as a creative outlet has since grown into a space where I connect with a global audience through storytelling and self-expression.

Balancing my creative pursuits, such as freelance photography and content creation, with motherhood as a mom of one, my work reflects the lessons I’ve learned, the challenges I’ve faced, and the growth I’m still experiencing. 

With each piece I share, I aim to continue to unfold my story all while helping others connect, grow, and encourage others to seek their own authentic voice. <3

My vision

Through my platforms, including The Real Confessions Podcast, I explore themes like healing, self-discovery, and the power of vulnerability. I believe in the value of connection and creating a space where personal growth and meaningful conversations can thrive.

Gracias for being here and for being part of the journey. <3

- AO.